Asking for Help


Asking for help is vulnerable, courageous and helps us grow into better, more connected versions of ourselves.


When I began my education to become a teacher, I was very idealistic and expected that all my great intentions and efforts would be clear to everyone.

My first hurdle was classroom management.  I remember feeling paralyzed as the gravity of caring for a classroom weighed on me. Finding a way forward was essential.

I thought initially that my work was about touching others. I discovered that it would first change me.  

I sought help from my practicum teacher who was open and receptive to my learning. I needed help to navigate the use of my time and attention in the classroom. It was a courageous and vulnerable ask.

Through this experience and throughout the years ahead, I have learned that vulnerability is an essential ingredient for problem solving, innovation, connection and belonging.

Who do you have in your circle who can speak to some of the challenges you experience, where you might feel stuck? Who needs your perspective and support? How can you offer it in a way that your intention is clear?

Over the past couple of years vulnerability has taken centre stage as an essential for personal and organizational health. Dare to Lead™ training builds out the supporting skillsets; Living into Your Values, Trust and Learning to Rise. These are valuable skills for leaders to explore, create language for, and act upon. This is critical for collaboration and leads to transformational growth.  

Join me this September for 3 days of action packed, facilitated learning. Please check out the Events page for more details and registration. Early bird pricing ends in on August 20!

This workshop qualifies for the Canada-Alberta Job Grant.


Now’s the time.


A Compass for Frustration and Uncertainty


Rediscover Play