A Compass for Frustration and Uncertainty


There is a surprising summertime gift for those of us who live in Canada.

For almost everyone, summer is a time when the normal rules for how things work just don’t apply.  If you need to hear from any service provider, chances are that things might be a little, or a lot, slower. 

As I was navigating one of these situations, three powerful words from author, Richard Rohr, came to mind; “Order, Disorder, Reorder”. 

Take a minute to ponder these three words and where you see this pattern?  If I think for a minute, I can think of mundane examples, like my linen closet or files my computer.  If we think a bit deeper, we will see that there are cycles of order disorder and reorder that cycle through monthly or yearly.  There are other cycles that take longer, 50 or 100 years. 


We collectively struggle when our sense of order feels, well, disorderly.  Uncertainty can feel scary and can undermine our confidence, causing lack of action on our own behalf. 


Many of us approach our internal conversation when there is disorder in our world with degree of distain or even loathing.  I’d like to propose an alternative….


These three words, Order, Disorder and Reorder amount to a superpower. 


What we resist persists, order at all costs will come back and bite us.  Control is an illusion because it isn’t sustainable. 


Settling into disorder is giving up our will, our goals and values to whatever is, amounting to powerlessness; what we deny will define us. 

 What do you want?  What is within your control?  Where do you have choice? A combination of understanding, focus and self-compassion will lead you to your next desired outcome.


Relationships with co-workers can be one of those things that may be cyclical.  Do you and your teammates have the skills to address challenges and improve upon your current state of disorder?  This is one of the reasons why I so appreciate the Dare to Lead™ curriculum.  The four skillsets are essential for leaders to create cultures where people know how to get from disorder to reorder. Direct message me for details about my upcoming sessions.


Where are you currently feeling unsettled, in conflict, in disorder? How could you explore new, possible steps forward? 


So, what’s the summertime gift of seasonal chaos?  Well, one response we typically have to disorder is to resist it and to rail against it.  We may also let the state of disorder remain as it is, and allow disorder to reign in our lives, without taking action where we may want to create reorder.  The gift is to understand that while we may want certainty, there are seasons of change and uncertainty.  Taking the time to ask questions about the new direction that the disorder is uncovering is where we find new hope, growth, new direction, a common sense of shared humanity and belonging.  The awareness of the cycles, layered with the ability to ask great questions becomes the compass to navigate the frustration and uncertainty of disorder.


Will we keep bumping into summertime challenges?  Yes… andwhat will we do to get the desired outcomes we hope to see?

Join me this September for 3 days of action packed, facilitated learning. Please check out the Events page for more details and registration. Early bird pricing ends in on September 10.

This workshop qualifies for the Canada Job Grant which covers 2/3 the cost of training for participants who qualify.


Contact me for more details.


Now’s the time.


September Vibe


Asking for Help