Let’s dive in.
Practical tools, tips, and strategies for daily alignment.
Overwhelmed? Seven Small Self-Compassionate Steps
Feeling overwhelmed?
You’re not alone. Whether it’s the news, work, personal commitments, or the sheer volume of life’s demands, overwhelm can leave you feeling stuck and exhausted. But the good news is—you can come back to calm….and compassionate.
The Gift of Focus - Choosing to Embrace Glimmers of Joy in the Darkness
As the days grow shorter and darkness wraps itself around our evenings, this time of year can feel heavy for many. The dim light and colder air often mirror an inward pull, drawing us into reflection—or sometimes restlessness. Yet, in this physical darkness lies an invitation to discover the profound power of focus, particularly on what many might overlook: the glimmers of joy, gratitude, and meaning that illuminate our lives in surprising ways.
The Courage to Explore Tensions in Gratitude
Perhaps you are going through an upheaval in your life?
What do we to do with this season of festivities, that emphasize thanksgiving and gratitude when we are carrying a bucket full of pain?
The Wounds We Carry
Secondary wounding is the term for the pain we experience when we do not find the support we need after a traumatic event. This kind of wounding may actually be psychologically more isolating and painful than the initial loss.
Emotions that Are Not Comfortable or Convenient
In our 21st century culture, we have designed lives that are surrounded by conveniences and comforts. Challenging emotions are neither comfortable or convenient.
What do we do when life hands us confusion, suffering, loss or betrayal?
What if it Hurts to be Thankful?
What do we do with Thanksgiving if we are in the thick of deep pain?
What if growing into the new version of ourselves, a metamorphosis of sorts, requires that we find a way to hold both pain and gratitude at the same time?
Seasons of Growth
As I look ahead to the upcoming season, I am curious how the new partnership with BetterUp and the Daring Leadership Institute™ will look. This collaboration will allow me to continue this important work on a broader scale, reaching more individuals and organizations eager to embrace the principles of daring leadership.
BetterUp’s mission to unlock greater potential through personalized coaching and transformative experiences aligns with Brené Brown’s teachings. Together, we will create spaces where individuals can grow, lead, and thrive with courage and compassion.
Your Hope Reservoir
There is a collective experience where everything continues to feel topsy-turvy, disorienting and discombobulating. This has had a negative impact on our ability to orient ourselves in a way that we are able to feel hopeful.
One way forward through the disorienting experience of shifts in systems, the barrage of hard news stories and social media is to get super clear on what hope is and what it is not.
The Chatter of “Should”
“Should comments” may be as innocuous as a recommendation, shared as an opinion, or packed with obligation; they can leave us feeling criticized, defensive, diminished, powerless, frustrated, resentful. Should may also incite feelings of responsibility, commitment, performance, passion, responsibility, hope, optimism, and vision.
At its worst, should has the potential to enslave us. At its best, it is a word that may bring forth some of our most courageous moments.
What is Your Focus?
I wrote this in 2016, before I was scheduled for surgery #4 on my ankle; a complete reconstruction of the joint. I believe it is relevant today as we face a new year, at a time when many of us have been suffering with great challenges.
All my life, even though I think I’ve been a pretty happy person, I’ve had an underlying focus on the things that I don’t have and the things that I can’t do….
Does this sound familiar?
Your 6 Step Alternative to Over-Functioning
We want to deliver exceptional results. Exceptional results are good, but over-functioning means that we do not trust others to do their part. Over-functioning inadvertently exacerbates anxiety for us and leads to a feeling of isolation and possible burnout. We may feel constantly overwhelmed and stressed from the weight we feel is on our shoulders.
Because we are all wired for connection, this armour gets in the way of the best kinds of team collaboration. Calm is a million miles away when we feel this kind of pressure.
6 Questions for Reframing Difficulty
Social media is full of memes of one-sided true quotes that create polarity. What is lost in the brevity of many memes, however, is that often there is more than one truth.
We tend to embrace an “either, or” way of thinking. I’ve come to realize that rarely is one situation all bad or all good.
September Vibe
September has a unique vibe. There are some powerful tensions to acknowledge.
What do we need in our leadership tool belts to navigate this September with the greatest opportunity for success?
How do we stay clear-minded so that we can stay effective?
Read further to engage with useful tools and questions that will help you navigate this September!
A Compass for Frustration and Uncertainty
We collectively struggle when our sense of order feels, well, disorderly. Uncertainty can feel scary and can undermine our confidence, causing lack of action on our own behalf.
Many of us approach our internal conversation when there is disorder in our world with degree of distain or even loathing. I’d like to propose an alternative….
Asking for Help
Asking for help is vulnerable, courageous and helps us grow into better, more connected versions of ourselves. Vulnerability is an essential ingredient for problem solving, innovation, connection and belonging. Isn’t that the kind of workplace you want to cultivate?
Rediscover Play
What have you done to discover play in this season of life? Does play need to look different for you in this season than it did before?
It is time to rediscover play. It doesn’t need to be expensive. It doesn’t need to be organized. It can be solitary or social.
Sustainable Leadership
Set aside platitudes, memes or cliches; sustainable leadership requires the determination to master oneself. Is not for the faint of heart.
It takes grit, contemplation, and personal responsibility.
When you do the work to get real about the internal conversation you’re having AND offer the most generous interpretation possible to the intentions, words and actions of others, that’s when you will be working from a sustainable place.
Facets of Trust
Growing trusting relationships does not mean that we ignore challenges, it means that we explore ways to address questions, rather than jumping to our own conclusions or blame.
So often when we experience distrust, we think that the relationship is is fractured, broken and not salvageable.
What if we could polish one side of the relationship diamond and make it beautiful again?
Growing Trust - A Workplace Competency
People in authority positions and helping professions have a new starting point with their clients and, as a result, must increase their capacity to build trust.
Growing trust, especially for leaders and helping professionals, is a workplace competency that requires your time and attention.