The Surprising Power of Breath


Using Our Whole Brain is Better for Everyone!

So many of us are living, working, loving and leading without our whole brains working right now.

 When we feel challenging emotions, like fear, anxiety, frustration or anger, our brain is more concerned with keeping us safe than anything else.  The part of our brain that is resourceful, creative and fun-loving doesn’t work when we feel threatened.

Without use of our whole brain, inevitably, we end up relationship challenges at home, at work and with ourselves. 

What can we do? We don’t have to be a victim of our biology. We can use a different biological system to override the fight, flight, freeze response…. the power of breath!

 The past twenty years of research about the brain has shown us some great ways we can increase the effectiveness of our brains AND improve the quality of our thoughts.  Breath is the small adjustment you can add to your day to think with greater clarity and confidence.

The simple things in life are not always easy, however. Have you ever wanted to change a certain behaviour? It takes resolve and practice. Linking the power of a “Breath Break” to something else you are already doing might be a good way to harness the power of breath to unlock your mind.

When you think of intentional breathing, what gets in your way? We might make it more complicated than it is, thinking that we need to strike a pose, wear the right (yoga) clothes, be within view of a spectacular scene and create something that is ethereal….nice, but not necessary.

Just pause.

Close your eyes if you can and take a breath that expands your chest past where you usually breathe…. and then do it again. Feel what happens in your body and let that grow.

The power of focused breathing reduces the stress hormone, cortisol, that is released into your bloodstream.  Reducing cortisol is better for you both long term and short term!

Who is in charge, the Thinker or the thought? When you make the conscious choice to breathe, your mind has control of your brain. Adding the power of breath to your day unleashes your whole brain!

When I take the time to breathe, I notice an improvement in my productivity, my ability to handle stress and the overall success of my relationships.  When these three things improve, I feel happier and more successful.  The compound effect helps me move in the direction of the areas of my life that are so fulfilling.

What could you do to add the power of breath to your life?  I’d love to invite you to join me as I commit to breathing for one minute an hour through the day.  How could you build this into your life? 

Which of your relationships is worth the investment of your attention that it takes to pause for a breath break?


What else is worth the investment of one minute each hour? 


Please let me know how you’re doing.  I’d love to hear from you!


Now’s the time.


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