A Rechargeable Battery?


How is Your Battery Holding Up?

This weekend I tried something new!

Have you ever ridden an e-bike?  It’s an experience!

As a biking enthusiast I have enjoyed numerous MS bike tours and, at one time, was part of a women’s mountain biking club.  Biking was also a favourite mode of transportation for me before I had two children.

It was with some reluctance that I decided to try an e-bike.  I haven’t always appreciated the way other riders have blown past me as I was huffing up a hill….maybe I was just a little jealous?

I am pleased to say that, in spite of my reluctance, I had a fantastic experience.  The assist function of the battery made a 65km day in the hot sun way more doable and fun.

There was one little surprise.

I started the day with a fully powered battery. I believed that as I peddled that I was actually recharging the battery.  As the day progressed, I learned that this was, in fact, not true.  The rechargeable battery is used, but not recharged by pedalling.

The bike is also VERY heavy.  Without the assistance of the extra boost, it is a beast to power up a hill.

I can’t help but think of all the people who have carried the weight of leadership and how they have navigated the additional challenges of the pandemic.

The load that you have carried has been immense.

Each of us have a supply of energy.  Some have learned how recharge continually, regenerating energy.  Some of us are depleted beyond measure and the load of going up one more hill feels like it’s more than we can do.

May I encourage you to explore and build energy boosting strategies into your day?  What are the activities that make you feel alive?  Who are the people who make you feel supported, healthy, loved and capable?  Is there a wonderful time of the day for you where you feel vital and awake?  What about lighting, sounds, smells or tastes?

May I also encourage you to ask yourself what boundaries would help you be more sustainable? What boundaries will help you make more intentional choices so that you can, unlike the e-bike, create sustainable energy?

Energy management is even more essential than time management.  I have learned that if I manage my energy by capitalizing on the things which fill my soul, there is way more battery power for me to do the hard things… a regenerating battery power!

Feeling appreciated is an important part of capitalizing on our internal battery power.  We humans flourish in environments where we feel like our efforts are valued!

If you are someone who has given of yourself to see others through this hard time, I want to take this space to thank you. Please also take the time right now to think of people in your world who have supported you or others and make sure they know that they are appreciated for their efforts. A little appreciation goes a long way!

If you would like to explore some mindset strategies to boost your regenerative battery power, please contact me and check out these links:




Now’s the time.


The Surprising Power of Breath


Self Care, Connection and Conscious Choice